Meet: Pitwel Consulting ♣

Pitwel has been active in the gaming market since 2015. Our experienced team is here to help you enter a difficult, risky, yet extremely attractive business with the potential for high profits. Our team consists of professional managers, pit bosses, accountants, lawyers, talented architects and designers, renowned chefs, specialists in the hotel industry, and other related fields.

Additionally, at Pitwel, we understand that the gaming industry is constantly evolving, and we strive to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, regulations and technologies. We also recognize that every client has unique needs and preferences, and we work closely with each one to tailor our services accordingly.

Our goal is not only to help our clients establish successful gaming businesses, but also to maintain long-term partnerships and provide ongoing support. We take pride in our ability to deliver high-quality, personalized services that exceed our clients' expectations. Whether you are a seasoned investor in the gaming industry or a newcomer looking to enter the market, Pitwel is the right partner for you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help turn your gaming business dreams into reality.

Meet: Pitwel Consulting ♣

Pitwel has been active in the gaming market since 2015. Our experienced team is here to help you enter a difficult, risky, yet extremely attractive business with the potential for high profits. Our team consists of professional managers, pit bosses, accountants, lawyers, talented architects and designers, renowned chefs, specialists in the hotel industry, and other related fields.

Additionally, at Pitwel, we understand that the gaming industry is constantly evolving, and we strive to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, regulations and technologies. We also recognize that every client has unique needs and preferences, and we work closely with each one to tailor our services accordingly.

Our goal is not only to help our clients establish successful gaming businesses, but also to maintain long-term partnerships and provide ongoing support. We take pride in our ability to deliver high-quality, personalized services that exceed our clients' expectations. Whether you are a seasoned investor in the gaming industry or a newcomer looking to enter the market, Pitwel is the right partner for you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help turn your gaming business dreams into reality.

We are playing

for high stakes

Reasons to work with us
Our team consists of experts in various fields, including casino management, security, and compliance, as well as food and beverage, entertainment, and hotel operations. We know how to create a unique and memorable experience for your guests and ensure that they keep coming back.
Our team members are carefully selected for their expertise and experience in their respective fields, and they undergo rigorous training to ensure they are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills. We also invest in ongoing professional development to keep our team members up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.
With our experience, we can help you develop effective marketing strategies, optimize operations, and improve customer experience. Our team of professionals includes specialists from marketing and finance to hospitality and security, giving us a unique perspective on the industry and the knowledge to help your business succeed.
Turn-key basis
All of our services are provided on a turn-key basis, meaning that we take care of everything from start to finish. If you have the desire to become the owner of the best entertainment center in the country, why not make that dream a reality with our help?
We understand that investing in the gambling industry can be risky, but with our turn-key services, you can rest assured that your business will be in good hands. Our staff base in the entertainment industry is second to none, and we have a track record of developing and managing successful gambling establishments.
We'll provide you with all the details you need to make informed decisions and help you navigate the complex regulatory landscape. Whether you're looking to start a new venture or grow an existing one, we'll work with you every step of the way. Trust us to provide you with the expert guidance and support you need to succeed in the world of gambling.

Only games should be based on risks

nothing more

Stages of work with the investor


Meeting with investor, discussing the details of the project, conclusion of the agreement of business plan preparation: In this first step, the Pitwel team will meet with the investor to discuss their goals, budget, and vision for the gambling business. The team will then prepare a business plan that outlines the strategy for opening and operating the casino.



Compilation of the actions order, close financial evaluation of the project, scheduling of investment return: Once the business plan is prepared and agreed upon, Pitwel will begin to compile an actions order that outlines all the necessary steps for launching the business. This will include a financial evaluation of the project and a schedule for when the investment is expected to be returned.



Presentation of the business plan and starting of its implementation. Legal part, starting staff, contracting: With the business plan and actions order in hand, Pitwel will present the plan to the investor for approval. Once approved, the legal aspects of the business will be taken care of and the process of hiring staff and contracting with vendors and suppliers will begin.



Beginning of construction or finishing of the leased premises. Accumulation of funds, license obtaining, croupier school: If necessary, construction or finishing of the leased premises will begin. Pitwel will also work to accumulate the necessary funds for the project, obtain any necessary licenses, and start a croupier school to train the dealers.



Staff recruitment, training, equipment installation, idle start, opening of the object, general presentation: Once the premises are ready, Pitwel will focus on staff recruitment and training, equipment installation, and preparing for the soft opening of the casino. This will include a general presentation of the business to the public.



Business support. Shift management, security, standardized reporting: Finally, Pitwel will provide ongoing support to ensure the business runs smoothly. This will include shift management, security, and standardized reporting to help the investor track the success of their investment.

Bet on us!

ladies and gentlemen